Is my office refurbishment tax deductible?


Estilo sponsors boxing exhibition in aid of local teen Estilo Interiors lends expertise and support to local community centre Estilo Interiors levels up game-changing office for NaturalMotion


19 February 2024

As businesses consider refurbishing their offices to enhance productivity, aesthetics, and functionality, one crucial aspect often overlooked is the tax implications of such investments. Many business owners wonder, “Is my office refurbishment tax deductible?” The answer lies in understanding the tax laws and regulations governing office refurbishments. Firstly, we would always advise speaking to a tax professional but the below can give you a rough guide…

Understanding Tax Deductibility for Office Refurbishments

In general, office refurbishments can be tax-deductible expenses for businesses. However, the extent of deductibility depends on various factors, including the nature of the refurbishment, applicable tax laws, and the specific circumstances of the business. Here are key points to consider:

  1. Capital Allowances: Capital allowances refer to the tax relief available on capital expenditure, including office refurbishments. These allowances enable businesses to deduct the cost of qualifying assets from their taxable profits over time. [1]
  2. Repairs vs. Capital Improvements: It’s essential to distinguish between repairs and capital improvements. While repairs are generally automatically deductible as revenue expenses, capital improvements, such as significant structural changes or upgrades, may qualify for capital allowances.
  3. Specific Capital Allowance Schemes: Businesses may benefit from specific capital allowance schemes tailored to encourage certain types of investments. Understanding these schemes and their eligibility criteria is crucial for maximizing tax relief on office refurbishments.
  4. Consultation with Tax Professionals: Given the complexity of tax laws and regulations, we would advise businesses to consult with tax professionals or accountants specialising in commercial property and taxation. They can provide personalised guidance based on the business’s circumstances and objectives.

Annual Investment Allowance (AIA)

The Annual Investment Allowance (AIA) serves as a vital tax relief mechanism specifically tailored for business equipment procurement. With the AIA, eligible purchases enjoy a full 100% tax deduction, equating to substantial savings of 25%. Notably, the AIA is capped at £1,000,000 annually. The actual savings hinge on the extent of investments in eligible assets and the prevailing tax liabilities.

For office refurbishment endeavours, a wide array of assets can be considered qualifying expenses for AIA. This includes office equipment encompassing computer hardware, selected software, and office furniture. Moreover, integral building components and fixtures like air conditioning systems, fitted kitchens, and bathroom fittings are also eligible.

Writing Down Allowance (WDA)

Should your office refurbishment expenditure exceed £1,000,000 or if the AIA has been utilised for other investments, the Writing Down Allowance (WDA) becomes instrumental. WDA facilitates the deduction of a percentage of item value from profits annually, categorized into three sections:

  • Main pool: entailing an 18% deduction, covering all plant and machinery.
  • Special rate: offering a 6% deduction, applicable to integral building features and insulation.
  • Buildings rate: featuring a 3% deduction, applicable to building purchase, construction, or renovation.

Under the WDA, furniture qualifies for the main pool, HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) works for the special rate pool, and solid partitions for the building’s rate pool. However, it’s essential to note that WDA is more restrictive and less generous compared to AIA, warranting its utilisation only where AIA isn’t applicable.

Example of Tax Relief on Office Refurbishments

To illustrate the potential tax relief on office refurbishments, consider the following hypothetical scenario:

Description Invoice Cost Tax Rate Tax Relief Saving After-Tax Cost
Repair Works £25,000 20% Expense (100%) £5,000 £20,000
Partitioning & Joinery £60,000 20% WDA (3%) £1,800 £58,200
Decoration £4,500 20% Expense (100%) £900 £3,600
Flooring £35,000 20% AIA (100%) £7,000 £28,000
Teapoints £28,000 20% AIA (100%) £5,600 £22,400
Washrooms £8,500 20% AIA (100%) £1,700 £6,800
Air Conditioning £70,000 20% AIA (100%) £14,000 £56,000
Power & Data £45,000 20% AIA (100%) £9,000 £36,000
Lighting £22,000 20% AIA (100%) £4,400 £17,600
Fire Safety £18,000 20% AIA (100%) £3,600 £14,400
CCTV £6,500 20% AIA (100%) £1,300 £5,200
Furniture £150,000 20% AIA (100%) £30,000 £120,000
Total £462,500 £89,700 £372,800



*Note: WDA – Writing Down Allowance; AIA – Annual Investment Allowance.


This breakdown demonstrates the potential tax relief available for each component of an office refurbishment project. By leveraging various tax relief schemes such as AIA and WDA, businesses can significantly reduce their after-tax costs, making office refurbishments more financially feasible.

In conclusion, office refurbishments can indeed be tax-deductible for businesses, offering opportunities to minimise tax liabilities and enhance cash flow. However, navigating the complexities of tax laws and maximising available relief requires careful planning, consultation with tax professionals, and a thorough understanding of applicable regulations. By leveraging capital allowances and adhering to compliance requirements, businesses like yours can optimise the tax benefits of office refurbishments while creating modern, inspiring workspaces.

If you have already consulted with tax professionals and are ready to go or are at the start of your office refurbishment journey, get in touch with us here to find out how we can design, build and furnish your dream workplace.



Disclaimer: Please note that the information provided above is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as professional tax advice. As Estilo Interiors, we are not licensed tax advisors, and any decisions made based on the content provided are at your own risk. We recommend consulting with a qualified tax advisor or accountant to assess your specific circumstances and obtain tailored advice regarding tax matters related to office refurbishment projects.


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